cool things i've built in my spare time

atlasFull Stack

The ultimate campus guide for U of T. Reached 70,000+ site visits.

NextJS, Node/Express, Google Maps API, Mapbox, Vercel

FluentFull Stack

A real-time chat application that connects language learners with personal coaches.

React, Firebase

Personal Finance TrackerFull Stack

A secure and robust personal finance tracker, featuring CRUD operations and user auth.

MERN Stack, TypeScript, Clerk

Ready or NotGame Development

A top-down LAN multiplayer hide-and-seek game.

C#, Unity

AI Football Winner PredictorAI/ML

A Random Forest Classifier model that can predict Premier League match winners with 70% accuracy.

Python, scikit-learn, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Requests

UnfollowersWeb Scraping

A program that returns a list of users that don't follow you back on Instagram.

Python, Selenium

Sudoku SolverBackend

Recursive sudoku board solver for my grade 12 cs class.


eric martin